>>1383501>every big corpo site wants your phone number this days huhIt's more useful than you SSN because big data has already linked that phone number to many many other things including utilities, property tax records, your official USPS address to which the postal services deliver registered letters, and various online sites. Because people may have used the same browser with its serial number or the same PC with the serial numbers, that phone number thru any associated email address you gave them is probably already linked to many other throwaway email addresses you currently use now and in the past. With that, your phone number shows them your personality because each time you voted up or down an item in youtube, e-hentai, or iwara shows your tastes and preferences. It doesn't matter that you have encrypted content transmission if they see your phone number via its main email via that emails link to other throwaway emails via their links to brave browser shows you access content they cannot see, but they know the URL you went to is exhentai on some lolicon galleries and that you voted up certain lolicon or shotacon galleries thus showing your preference or distaste for certain things.
So, if they choose to turn on specific big data routines to activate server-side observation of your URL visits, a lot can be added to the personality records attached to a phone number. They just need to know if that phone number is one that you genuinely use or not before they add that phone number (and its range of calendar dates) to their collection of phone numbers associated with you during a certain period of time.