>>55622>>"Don't listen to this guy who listed a bunch of series with strong, developed characters, listen to me! Now watch 20 of the most bland and generic shonen anime ever released starring the same six fucking characters in every one of themCharacter development not developed characters you fucking cuck.
>Now watch 20 of the most bland and generic shonen anime ever released>bland and generic shonenThis has to be bait, or you're the most retarded person on this board right now.
You do know not all of the animes there that was requested are syounen, and I'm not a syounen-fag like how the Naruto fags are and the likes. I'm just here suggesting what OP wanted and I delivered. Up until you started bait / shitposting your autism..
>>55627>That kinda kicks the legs out from under the assertion that it's not a Madoka ripoff because the card game came first, no?What are you trying to say here?