tl;dr: I need to desing a counter from 0 to 47 using JK Flip Flops, with diagrams and maps like . Need the shit done. Only lead i got was this video but don't know how to make a 0 to 47 version of that, please help.
Hey, /wsr/, i need some help to desing a JK flip flop. teacher didn't explain shit, so the assignament goes:
>Desing a counter from 0 to 47That's it. But i don't know shit. The only thing i found that makes sense to do this was this guide but this was just for a counter from 0 to 7, and i don't get how you desing this shit for 2 counters, in order to get the unit and ten using this. And then i found this video and also didn't get shit. I ain't go no time to learn entire electronics, a simulator app and also fill the gaps that i dont know for 4 days now on (But this guy want us to do it on paper with diagrams like the PDF i posted first, so i dont think i need to use the simulator, but again, the only 2 counter example to display 2 numbers that make one is that video and i dont know how to make one of those but only to 0 to 47)
Im lost, the teacher really didn't explain shit and wont until it got us good and failed , so please help. If anyone knows how to do a version of what is on the video but only going from 0 to 47, please show me, thank you