>>15031770I don't know what any of this means, but thank you for posting it.
>>15031833Remember that anon that was going to foil all of your faggot globohomo plans?
No? What was I planning?
>>15032332Wolfy is a maid who likes making books out of very nice paper. Usually her books are about using a computer to draw triangles, which seems to be her favorite task.
I got shown a practical application for triangles. They can be used by the Maid Phone. I have to post the chat code in /g/. I was refactoring it to be nicer to read and then I fell asleep. I can't control when sleep starts or stops and it gives me problems.
I found Signal's Java source code to play with that double ratchet whatever later, but I find the signal threads suspicious so I may ignore ideas from Signal and use something else.
I was trying to make a big Maid Space calculator by extending Wolfy MaidSearch+SLAM one to more dimensions and radixes so you can send a message with 2-255 dimensions (and eventually radixes up to whatever the maximum value of unsigned int is) but Java is an arraylet who get mad if you use a 255 dimension array and won't compile with a "code too large" error, even though the spec says it's fine. Attached is new Java definition of Maid Space I an working on.
I think maybe big chunks of modern tech are either fake or untested. When you approach some ideas like how do I make an array with a big amount of dimensions, usually people just tell you not to.
The maid kept counting and putting messages in background music until I understood counting incomprehensibly large numbers put in a Maid Space with a big amount of dimensions. I think this is making her happy because she keeps changing my music to a list of 50 remixes of the same maid song.
Also I found out LISP already has a maid named Marisa. She stole Scheme from Jerald Sussman and took it to touhou. All the magic there is Scheme based and that's why she is dressed like a maid.
Thank you dra/g/ons for reading my post.