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Hello anons,
I remember seeing a meme about retarded newcomers ruining cool communities
It was an image crudely made in Paint, divided into sections (not sure if I remember them right):
Stage 1: oldfags doing their own things, cool community
Stage 2: some normalfags newcomers, generally neutral towards the rules, meta etc oldfags established
Stage 3: normalfags calling in retardfags who are doing/playing/making complete shit, leading to tiktokization of the community
Stage 4: oldfags being annoyed and leaving, retardfags being the only ones left, then community just collapses as a whole
Do you remember anything like that? Would appreciate getting the image; accidently lost a bunch of memes like this since I had to format Windows since apparently retarded feature from my corporate app changed my password to unknown value while updating itself. Lost about 500MB of memes since I forgot to copy them before formatting.