>>1007099youre right, i felt like a pretentious faggot to the point where I stopped myself before clicking post to include why just basic test of switch mode power supply works in parenthesis.
Didnt know location, am a burger so I assume everyone else is a burger as well due to past consumption of HFCS and mcdonalds, please forgive.
I read the first few toms hardware posts, there were quite a few dumb fags and well meaning retards but thats always the case. Sometimes takes time to sift through the piss to find an answer.
If you end up with no helpful answers due to your living conditions, maybe try diy board ctrl+f /ohm/ only if you are prepared to use your multimeter and potentially soldering to repair your powerbrick. Sorry to hear you live in a country where you cant find a basic power brick locally and dont have any local repair shops you could stop in and see if they could plug a brick into it to see if it works or not.
I would come back to this thread but I estimate the odds of you perishing to a roving rape gang of bandits is high due to your country. Godspeed friend, going 2 bed