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Got this job, went on a field trip.
I'm basically selling Photovoltaic Panels for the company, they come and montage it on your roof, parcel etc, and some other renewable energy shiet.
Thing is, i got a 4000$ markup per closed deal, maybe even more.
I'm just a field agent, door to door salesman, driving to some old forgotten villages and selling the instalations to the people there, trying to convice them.
My coworker told me than one dude even signed a old lady house to his name, and got the fucking house when she kicked the bucket.
I litreally see people complaining about this company all the time when searching more about it on the web, about crazy markup prices, that the salesmen blatantly lie, etc, that it's not profitable for them.
I haven't started yet, but seems sketchy as fuck. Good cash though, but the people pay 100% more than if they would ask a local company to do it.
I dunno, could i get in trouble for this, accoring to polish law if the company got sued in the future? ( it definetely will, and was in the past)
They literally teach me to be manipulative, persuasive, and lie, about the profitability and the prices (also they lie to me on training, that it is actually profitable for the people i sell the instalations to)
You just get people to sign the deal, that is supposedly "bulletproof" as my coworker said, and that people don't read the deals when signing.
So don't do that btw, read your fucking deals.
But the main questions remains, could i personally get in some deep shit trouble for this?