>>258102http://vsrecommendedgames.wikia.com/wiki/PlayStation_3My own recommendations:
Resonance of Fate
Nier (Sort of need skill)
Catherine (Skill required)
Dark Souls (Lots of skill)
Demon's Souls (Lots of skill)
Metal Gear Rising (Skill required)
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection (Skill required)
Portal 2
Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy
Devil May Cry HD Collection (Lots of skill)
PS2 games you might want to pick up on the PSN:
All the SMT/Persona games, all of 'em (If you haven't played an SMT or Persona before, start with P4 or Nocturne.):
Persona 3: FES
Persona 4 (Unless you own a Vita or PSTV, get Persona 4: Golden)
SMT III: Nocturne
Raidou 1
Raidou 2
Digital Devil Saga 1
Digital Devil Saga 2
Hope this helps.