>>310657>>310834Hahaha, there's no question about me being a weirdo. What do you expect from a young white guy who grew up with hardcore porn and jokes about pedophilia and bestiality, idiotically taking part in this culture while not understanding why he's depressed and suicidal the whole time, then turns to radical feminism because he understands that male socialization fucked him up?
I always loved cute animals (esp. cats), little girls, and the other sweet things in life, but male socialization takes its toll on your cognitive processes. It's poison. "Toxic masculinity" is a well-put phrase.
On its own, there's literally nothing wrong with adoring girls. The important thing is not being a creep about it (like Miyazaki), or making sure you have a strong hold on the creepiness you were infected with.
>>310834I absolutely don't associate with any communities that want to normalize pedophilia.
It's part of our culture normalizing and even trying to enforce sexually predatory attitudes on men, that insists that for a man, there is no difference between loving a girl and wanting to exploit her.