I want a collage of this character drawings by this author (Jazz Jack)
Safebooru has some of those images
https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=jazz_jack+karyl_%28princess_connect%21%29+please exclude the ones with the character having a protuded cheek (I don't like those)
this are the last images the author made before changing this character style (it's safe for work).
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90152167I'd like some images from that character (Kyaru/Karyl) before that date (the ones on the right afther that image in the pixiv gallery)
If possible, be creative and change the images size/transparency, and remove the signature so it doesn't appear a lot on the final image, I want some cute looking cottage, please.
Please also include the image on pic related.