After messing around with the website listed above for a while unsatisfied I ended up doing it semi-manually. Basically the process went like this:
>Download the video linked in the OP>Seperate the individual frames into png's using >>203423742 >Remerge them into a gif using gimp>Use transparent background tool on to get rid of the majority of the exterior (since it goes by region it has trouble doing areas that are enclosed by poppo and the stars [e.g in between her legs])> Put the gif back into gimp and then using the region selector tool clearing the rest of it. It still has a white pixels around the border which bugs me a bit but it's the best I could do, and I'm generally alright with it. While doing this I remembered that the vector request thread on /w/ exists and those guys probably would know how to do this type of stuff and I probably should've asked there first and likely wasted my time doing this, so I'll probably take the result over there to see if this can be cleaned up or if I'd have to do it all over again to rid myself of that white pixel border.