>>1276366I'd like to add that besides the consolidation of websites, Discord has also been incredibly bad for the web. Reddit was thought to have eaten a lot of forums, but compared to it, making a Discord "server" as an alternative to a forum is absolutely disgusting. It keeps happening, however.
I will also mention that the general feel and discourse on the web is becoming refined. I use the word "refined" only because I can't find anything better to describe it. What I mean by "refined" is that people go through these experiences as they interact with the internet in its many forms, and because of how easy it is to access now due to smartphones, they (can) do it extremely often. The result is a kind of over socialization of the general internet user that completely changes what the user content on the internet looks like. You can see it in the "memes", for example, and the happening with Kiwifarms is a result of it, too. Even if we magically changed the internet (especially the web) to what it looked like in the year 2000, because of the current demographic, it just wouldn't be the same. Not even close. It would also quickly revert to something we have today, or worse.
You are quite right in that we should cherish this site, but I think it's also important for people to be out there and creating a demand for more things like it.