>>253972wow, thank you. That actually does clear up some of my confusion when I'm looking at CPU's and I just see this mass of numbers and letters on other people's builds. Only thing I could decipher on my own was the "i3, 5 or 7" thing.
Ok, so I dropped down to an i5 6600k 3.5 GHz CPU and I picked up 16gb of DDR4-2800 memory
https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Epicgnome/saved/t2xbvKSeems like I've taken the money saved from the i7 to i5 drop and put that into getting an SSD
>>253979I picked up the 2800 RAM for about $15 more than the previous RAM i had selected, seems reasonable to me but I'm not sure obviously.
Fair enough on the not knowing on the streaming part, you've been a big help so far and I can't expect you to have all the answers
>>253981You're making these things easier for me in the future and I appreciate that, at least now I have an idea of what all those numbers mean and my fears of a 0.2 GHz difference have been quelled a wee bit now that I know they make very little difference in terms of gaming.