(1/2) because the rant is too long apparently.
>>768095>First you said false consensus and group narrative was somehow important, ergo it was not a fact.>Now you're saying it is a fact, and false consensus is not important.Honestly what are you on about now? You are blatantly making shit up and putting words I never said in my mouth. Only thing I said here
>>767807 was that you samefagging it won't actually create the "consensus" you seem to want to have so badly, the one being that streaming is ok, which it isn't. Are you going to epeat this consensus thing now mindlessly as well since you can't hammer on about your evidence anymore after being BTFOed hard by
>>767553 and
>>768095>We're not talking about that here. We're talking about your pogrom against "pushing false consensus", and how you abandoned it like yesterday's fish the moment you were told what a fact was.We WERE talking about streaming until you started going off the deep end in probably some vain and twisted way to deflect from your obvious defeat and intellectual inferiority.