>>310117I dreamed of it but I don't have the resources (where motivation also counts as a resource) and it would probably remain a tiny community unless we shill it to no end.
My basic idea was a site called normiechan where
- violently racist, misogynist etc. language (stuff like "I hope you get raped by a bunch of niggers you useless whore", "gas all Jews", etc.) and meme-tier MRA/Nazi shitposting (big cranky "infographics" and barely coherent walls of text etc.) are banned site wide, and
- ALL political discussion is banned outside of a dedicated politics board, but in that board you're allowed to bring forth *coherent* arguments for any number of offensive ideologies from violent eco-terrorism all the way to Nazism if you want.
That would keep out the typical /pol/tard while still having a limitless freedom of speech section of the website.
- comments trivializing sexual harassment and assault (rape) are banned,
- porn-tier sexualization of characters (depicting them as wanton, overly lustful, wanting to be sexually dominated, etc.) is banned, especially for loli characters, and
- guro/vore/etc. are banned.
That would hopefully keep out the hardcore perverts (who have half of the Internet dedicated to their desires so I don't see the need for a board for them either, unlike a full-FoS debate platform) while still allowing cute-lewd content including benign loli material.
I wish this community existed. It could be so comfy.