I should preface. a solid half of the names of these links are quite cringeworthy, but I really just wanna see these videos again, so I shall put my dignity on the line to find them, even if I wasn't even the one who made the damn things. (if I was, I probably wouldn't even be alive right now.)
Episode 1:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLlgkmwZxM4Original Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 1 - Pedo Teacher AWAAAAY!!
Episode 2:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILn5Sh1f-7QOriginal Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 2 - Teaching is for Pedos!
Episode 3:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucGmBmNKokcOriginal Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 3 - Loli Boobs FTW!!!
Episode 4:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo20Zs_Kv2sOriginal Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 4 - Prejudice is bad mmmkay!
Episode 5:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cjQ_zHR2FUOriginal Video Name: Kodomo No Jikan Abridged Episode 5 - A Childs Horny Summer Vacation [spoiler:lit]hate this one the most desu[/spoiler:lit]
Episode 6:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6SgTj1Lx-EOriginal Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 6 - Stupid Flashback Episode is Stupid
Episode 7:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jej5-aBK_pcOriginal Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 7 - Field Trip of Fuckery
Episode 8:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9gf_oXxZLEOriginal Video Name: Kodomo no Jikan Abridged Episode 8 - Operation "Gender Bender"
I do recall seeing episodes 9-12 before, but where they are? no sodding clue. I was going to go to BakaMT like that one shill said, but that shit is private and I prefer my anonymity, thank you. But if someone is kind enough to post there for me, I'll be ever grateful. If anyone has any clue where I can look for these, or find people who might want to find it, then I will be forever grateful for your help. Attached is an
Archive.org Screenshot, showing the only available/successful archive for the series; a singular page for episode 1.