>>1296645Shortly USA spying on other kyoto climateconference participants in 2009, this delayed the now known as Paris climateagreement for about 6 years
But once in there you get to Snowden and so on and so on
Thats why i suggested looking into 4th and 5th Generation warfare, making citizens turn on their own state and using this to install your own people you win without a fight (in germany greens got pushed big thanks to fff and afd (right wing controlled opposition) thanks to vax, while "middle" Party got killed big time for the copyright stuff
If you are interested in how this is done even More effectively look into the brexit and Cambridge analytica
I dont know much about Ukraine (better nothing) but if i have to guess this is what happened in 2013 or whenever that was
Wish i could suggest books on that kind of war, maybe 1984 or some other classics, but they aint hitting the point of OPs request (pretty lame one though)