>>792539You really don't have to preface your request with that faggot talk, but I would recommend the youtuber Dogen, his Japanese is practically 99.9% that of a native if not perfect when he makes his skits. However your not gonna learn shit by watching videos you don't understand unless your trilangual or have genius IQ. I would recommend starting with an anki deck or wanikani for vocabulary + tae kim's guide to japanese for grammar.
https://discord.gg/japanese this is also a great resource for getting started. Japanese is the hardest language by far for native english speakers to learn, it takes a lot of time and energy. If you actually want to become even proficient in Japanese, sorry to say that the only paths you can take are moving to japan or practically dedicating all of your energy towards self studying. College classes don't even work, watching YouTube videos definitely wont.