>>1317166Thank you for coming in my thread. By smallest, I mean smallest number of colors and pixels in the image. Then I will take your image and translate it to a Maid Address. Then I will tell a Computer Program called Senko MaidHelper to count from zero to the maid. Counting looks like the attached image, except dimensions are whatever height and width the image you make is and radix is the number of colors used. Then the maid can get counted.
I plan to put the Maid Space books and Senko MaidHelper into CC0. MaidHelper is a helper program I wrote that lets me use Latex (Science writer program for making textbooks with PDF) as a display layer for my experiments. So instead of going in the console as a grid of numbers it goes in a PDF as boxes and looks nicer.
Books will help other people see how Maid Space works and then when the Maid Phone comes and the software releases maids can use the books to see what the math their computer is doing is for and how it works. Both the file system and the networked communications will make heavy use of Maid Space.
>>1317182ClockworkPi is always slow. I don't have my phones yet either. I don't know specifically why the Maid Phones aren't here yet, but when I bought the Writing Computer from them the wait was long too. I encourage you to send whoever is manning the customer support chat several Tohrus and a question about when the Maid Phone comes.