>never watched a chinese cartoon before>just want something decent to watch>how do you tell a story with a mangoLook at these before posting:
imgur.com/a/3tUcq >i watched X, want more like it>i'm looking for something that features X themes>i want something in X genrePost your specific request in this thread, we'll answer. Put some effort into your post, vague requests wont get answered.
>where do i download stuffnyaa.sebakabt.meintel.haruhichan.com if you can into XDCC
>should I download 1080pUsually not unless the source material was produced in celluloid.
>what media player should i useKCP, MPC-HC+CCCP or MPV. Google it.
>why is VLC badIt's not bad, it's just not good either.
>what about manga readersHoneyviewer.
>why is streaming badShit quality.
>i value convenience over qualitybecause.moe
>what's airing this/next seasonsenpai.moe