I need some help with my 2nd PC build, I'm still pretty new to all this and I want a PC that will last me the next few years(3-4) and run games 1080p 60fps. I would really like to be able to run the games at Max/Ultra settings, though I won't have too much issue turning off/down the more detailed, hard to notice graphic settings if it means hitting that 60fps stable mark, anything more than 60fps is fine and dandy I just want to guarantee the minimum is stable.
https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Epicgnome/saved/vJ3bvKis what I have cobbled together currently and I would really like to stay under $1500 or $1400 honestly but I am still very clueless about CPU's. Is the difference between the i7 6700k and i7 6700 versions a BIG difference? I think 6700k has 4.0ghz and the 6700 has 3.4ghz? is that a MAJOR difference because I could potentially go with just the 6700 and use its stock cooler to save about $100 though I am willing to keep the 6700k and buy a CPU cooler if it really means that much of a performance impact.
I want to be able to play all current and upcoming games like RE7 or For Honor on Ultra 60fps at 1080p, maybe with some tweaks to the settings here and there. My current build can run current games, I just need to go to Medium/High with a few of the more detailed options turned down/off to hit 60fps. I have no plans to go 1440p or 4k anytime soon, same with VR but I would like to be able to do VR sometime later this year around the holidays if I can save up the money.
Could I get some help? are the parts I selected good? is the GPU ok? 1070 seems like my price range and middle ground power between the 1060 and 1080. I don't think I'd do any overclocking. What CPU should I go with?
I would really appreciate any useful advice or help, thank you