I know /wsr/ would hate me for mentioning reddit or nsfw but ok
Anonymous No.1493595 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I don’t know if I can talk about this here, but Back in the year 2023 When i was browsing subreddits related to "cringe" to laugh at internet stupitdy. I was on r/cringetopiarm. I came across some "transphobic" image that had become a bit popular from what i remember? it had something like 2.7k upvotes and had like 300 comments. and I remember that section there are many people who reacted with shock and everyone was kinda surprised bc of the image that they posted saying things like for example "wtf, is this??" i don't remember so much of it. Ok, I'm going to describe the image that I'm referring to. It started with a white background and came with two panels. Above the first left panel it came with a black text with manga font typography (?) that said the following: "What Trans People are" and it came some silly cartoon character that is like a cow or bull, it was anthromorphic and toony like usual. It had a yellow body. The surface of the mouth was orange, brown horns, green hair and a tail with hair of the same color as the hair. It had fake eyelashes and black eyes. and wearing some red dress-looking skirt accompanied with purple suspenders with blue buttons and a pair of white-striped red legwears. Doing a happy expression.
And in the second right panel is where the part that had given me chills. The panel says the following "How Trans People Should Be" It starts the male version of the same yellow cow, mutilating his own genitals including the penis with a ton of blood and that she/he was holding a cutted vagina and a pair of tits also being mutilated with a knife. Remembering the image well, it seems that this cow wants to change her gender just by doing self-surgery? I also wanted to see the image again but that fucking subreddit got closed down six months ago. Which makes it hard to find. I’m not just remembering a weird ass fever dream, right? Somebody else here must’ve seen this. It still fucking permeates in my mind to this day.