>>1307733Thank you for nice words fren. The intention of the Kurumi MaidCard isn't to make the file size of code smaller. It is to put it in a PNG image so that it is recognizable at a glance by looking at a thumbnail of the image and also to use the PNG itself as the distribution mechanism so I can post larger multi-file projects on 4chan in one image and not have to use GitHub for any reason or make 500 pastebins for every single class, or use a silly architecture where one file has 500 classes to make it more distributable by pastebin.
Maid Cards have compression of just the file data, and the purpose was to make the File Data Maid Address take less space on the Maid Sticker (decorative part of the card).
You are correct that a 4MB image might be like a million times bigger than just posting the text of the code, but Kurumi MaidCard is intended more for using the image is a container so that distributing code becomes less centralized and more convenient. Anywhere you can post a PNG image that doesn't mess with the dimensions of the image or the pixels of it is now a software distribution system, no GitHub required.
A lot of people ask why not just use GitHub? My answer is that there is no reason you should have to give Microsoft a bunch of personal data to post code on the internet, or accept any kind of Terms of Service from the distribution platform.
The only Terms of Service I will accept from a Computer Program are that I will dictate my terms to it, and it will serve them. Failing that, I will build alternatives.
If you look at the Warosu thread you can see I put a cookbook in a Maid Card. If a Maid Card can hold a cookbook it can also hold code for a non-trivial project like a compiler.