>>31209I probbaly should, catching up with movies is probably how I'm going to spend this summer.
>>31213Aldnoah Zero was a screeching trainwreck ever since the second episode. The asspull in the second season only pushed it into "hilariously bad" territory. I liked many things about it, even the resolution, but I'd never recommend it.
KoS might be far from perfect and the 3D will surely turn off many people, but it has its merits and some people will apprecoiate the style, and the sound design was really great.
All in all, I'll study your list. I haven't even heard of half of the stuff you've mentioned (as I've said, my mecha experience is pretty much nonexistant). However, I don't think I'll change the mecha section that much - VOTOMS is exactly the kind of anime that I don't plan to include on this list even though it's objectively speaking commendable. Even though i smuggle legitimately good anime here and there, the general purpose of this chart is the normie crowd. Which, from your perspective, in the mecha setting, I actually belong to myself.
>The problem with that is some people took CA seriously and still enjoyed it, the "so bad its good" mentality is mostly from 4chan.Sites other than 4chan don't even pay attention to anime like Cross Ange or Symphogear. Anyway, removing both OP and HxH frees up two squares, one for xAnge and one for something like DxD or Highschool of the Dead.