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What's happening to my laptop keyboard?

No.1034593 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /wsr/, my laptop keyboard isn't working right and I don't know what's wrong with it

First, it seemed to be just 1 key (Pg Dn) that wasn't working correctly. I tried taking the key off and cleaning under it, but still got the same issues. If I exhale warm breath on it, it can work for a bit, or if I press down really hard.

Now though, a few of my other keys are doing the same thing, on the opposite side of the keyboard (Z, Fn) . Sometimes they'll work fine, but often they won't.

There's 2 things to mention. 1 is that I spilt a very small amount of Soda on my laptop around a month ago. I cleaned it instantly and turned the laptop off and let it dry for a few hours. It really was a small amount, kind of splashed over the arrow keys here. Only over them, nowhere else.

The other thing is that my laptop generally runs very very hot. Insanely hot and has done for a long time. I just let it do its thing and stopped caring because it would perform fine but yeah it's a small chassis.

Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this, how it might have happened, or any fixes?