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Manga name

No.1064190 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I kept my backlog stored on my To Read list on Mangadex.
Since Mangadex's lists STILL aren't available, I haven't been able to find most of the series I've been meaning to read.

One I'm looking for in particular was one I found from a one page thread; the one page was some dude squaring off to fight with a girl who was acting cocky, when he informs her he's already fought her hundreds of times that day on a time loop to completely learn her patterns, which freaks her out. Both were young, not adults.
I don't remember the overall plot but the cover had the dude with blue hair and a blue tint overall, and I think an elephant in the corner or something.

I know this is pretty vague but it's bugging the shit out of me that when I finally work up the motivation to read it I haven't been able to access it for months.