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More information on Syrian-Iraqi air battles during the Iran-Iraq War?

No.1078999 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay this is super niche.
I noticed fairly recently that the Iraqi Air Force (IrAF) was listed as having killed three Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) MiGs during border incidents over the course of the Iran-Iraq War.
The main source is the now defunct website, run by Tom Cooper, who is considered a reliable source on air warfare.
That said, I'm unable to find ANY details on these engagements. I even got Cooper's book 'Iran-Iraq War in the Air" on library loan and found nothing in it involving skirmishes with Syria on the referenced dates; the only thing close is the mention that Syrian Air Defenses (SADF) shot down IrAF MiGs during the 1973 Yom Kippur War which caused relations to plummet.
Syrian-Iraqi dogfights are really fascinating to me, so any help finding more info on these instances would be immensely appreciated.