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What are some popular things?

No.1090993 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is a website, where you enter a topic and talk to users who also entered that topic.
The problem is, there is no list of topics people are using.

So, what are some popular things people are also likely to discuss/enter as tags?

You would think it's as simple as getting a big list of the most popular things, say steam games and going through them.
But, say you enter DOTA, literally nobody.
Then you enter Danganronpa, 200+ people.

Same with artists, anime, youtube channels, or literally anything.
There just happen to be some with "fandoms", but as far as I know there is no way to list them all.

Another problem is, some of them have abbreviations.
Like MHA (My Hero Academia), popular but I wouldn't know people use it if I didn't test every 3 letter combination.

What do you think, /wsr/?