[31 / 3 / ?]

81KiB, 298x266, Opera Momentopname_2021-11-24_112649_www.youtube.com.png
I need an instant and clear analogy to use when any vaxxer tells you the virus ''isn't as lethal/contaminable when you got your shots and booster(s)''
By way of clearing up that even if that is indisuptable, that nobody can foresee protential l(at leas long-term) catastrophic consequences, that injecting your body with this experimental invention created under pressure, can be so much more and worse than whatever benefits are proposed. ?
I just need it to be quick and to the point
i can't go into discussion every time with these people blindly putting their trust in this highly unfamilliar situation
By way of clearing up that even if that is indisuptable, that nobody can foresee protential l(at leas long-term) catastrophic consequences, that injecting your body with this experimental invention created under pressure, can be so much more and worse than whatever benefits are proposed. ?
I just need it to be quick and to the point
i can't go into discussion every time with these people blindly putting their trust in this highly unfamilliar situation