* the LN version of Mushoku Tensei, as translated by Baka-Tsuki. The 7seas one waters down the extent to which the MC is a degenerate at the beginning, to the detriment of character development IMO
* LotR if you haven't yet
* literally any RPG made by Square for the SNES
* Ender's Game (the book) was pretty neat
* I liked Eragon (the book), though I never finished out the series
* FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (actually has a great english dub!)
* Spice and Wolf (actually has a great english dub!). Only the beginning got an anime adaptation, but the LN's official translation is great.
* Now and Then, Here and There (anime). It isn't a pleasant journey, though.
* Helck (manga)
* MaoYuu. There were like four adaptations, I read this one:
https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=64917* Superior and its second half, Superior † (both manga)