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Can you reccomend me anime with great visuals plz?

No.1143110 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /wsr/ I have come here today as a humble Gen-Zfag who hasn't really seen to much anime in his life aside from hentai gifs.

I can only remember watching 5 different anime shows in my life

Fruits Basket 2011
SGT. Frog 2011
Jojo part 3 2016
Dirty Pair 2020
Memories 2021

As you can see, I've recently watched a few classics and I've been looking for more, preferably old anime/short films that have scenery/visuals that elicit a sense of scale and awe like what I see in dirty pair.

Pic related

Imgur album related

I'm getting into 3D and 2D art And I want inspiration.