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No.1166571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have an odd request toady, I want a rundown on 4chan bots
After lurking for a while it is very easy to see that some of the posts are made by bots, this is very oblivious when looking at most generals on /x/, there are no conversations/arguments, most of the posts are a meaningless incoherent sentences or random pictures.
I have also seen several threads on /fit/ which were exactly the same, posted few months apart, exactly the same OP posts and replies.
I have heard other anons talk about bots but nobody ever goes deep into this subject and I would like to know more. I now that there are bots on all social media, it makes sense that people would use bots for promoting stuff and making profit. It doesn't really make sense on online forums though.
I would like to know;
>why are there bots on 4chan?
>what purpose do they have?
>how many posts are made by bots?
>can bots interact with real users?
>which boards have the most bots?

I want screencaps/info dumps on bots on 4chan/other social media
I am asking here since I dont know where else to ask, might make this thread on /x/ or /g/ as well