>>117782>- it's not a sex-comedyit's not primarily a sex-comedy because it is a battle-ecchi, but it is still secondarily a sex-comedy, a battle-ecchi is when the main plot is fighting, with the ecchi being a part of the main plot
>- there are no ren-ai moments between *anyone in the entire cast*. None. Not any of themnot familiar with the term ren-ai, you may have me there, i need some explanation what this is
>- the closest thing the whole show comes to a ship is mako and gamagori, and even then, that's fans and subtext>shippingshipping has nothing to do with ecchi, it may or may not be in an ecchi, but it isn't a part of what makes an ecchi an ecchi
>- there is no male protagonist (no, a talking jumper does not count, unless he can somehow trip over and fall on the quiet girl with big boobs that isn't in the fucking show either.)>quiet girl with big boobsnot a vital part of an ecchi, may or may not be there but the lack of it doesn't change anything
>male protagnot a necessity, but you could call senketsu a male protag, and in fact there are several scenes involving sexual comedy with him and ryuko, for example one of the first scenes in the entire show. also, since when did the male protag by default have to be the clumsy or accidental kind to make it an ecchi?
>>117780>klk is not an ecchi, because there is no sexual comedy, the sexual references are played not to titilate the viewer but to disgust him, and sex/sex-comedy is not even *present* in the narrative*>the sexual references are played not to titilate the viewer but to disgust him>to disgust him>disgust>himthose words would be mutually exclusive in the case of any male viewer