>>124402>Looking at contemporary anime it all looks like bloody desu vampire garbage. Vampire stuff can be cool. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has vampires, but they have a cool twist to them. Plus they're all fucking bad asses. Pic related. They quickly drop the vampire antagonists for a much more interesting type of antagonist though.
>Are netflix and crunchyroll even worth checking? Netflix, no. Their anime roster is terrible. Its all AoT, SAO, and other normie garbage. Crunchy roll, yes but their subs are terrible. I recommend fansubs.
>And actually any older anime I might have missed I'd be interested in. I usually like big robot stuffEvangelion, if you haven't already. Considered one of the best anime ever made
If you do decide to watch this, watch it in this order
>TV Series>End of Evangelion (movie they made after the backlash they got from the original ending, which sucked)>Rebuild of EvangelionRebuild is literally the series, compressed into 3 movies (so far). There are some changes that makes it worth watching. but only AFTER the first two. They're not done yet. They just released 3.33 (the third movie)
Basically, my big recomendations for you are JoJo and Evangelion
If you decide to watch JoJo, download fansubbed episodes from some-stuffs. They resub the episodes since crunchyroll had to butcher the subs due to copyright concerns (all the characters are named after songs/bands).