>>1247997That's okay :)
Think of promises as an "ON statement", like an IF statement but it can keep checking.
Like in CSS, when you have "on button hover, set background red".
>>wait for something to be true, and on it happening, continue executing codeIt's like waiting for an order at Mcdonalds, and then after its ready, getting your food.
You have something to test if it's true (the order number), and you just keep checking to see if the foods ready.
>>asyncWaits separately from the code after it, to avoid pausing everything.
>>resolveYou "resolve" the promise by checking on it every 160ms.
The promise is "window.jQuery".
>>wtf happens if you have an IIFE inside of an IIFE?Nothing =)
You can nest code in JS greatly (I don't even know if there's a limit).