>>1250845>I watch the damn shows, otherwise what's the point?Because production realities of manga and anime mean there will be:
>Filler Episodes: Non-essential episodes to the plot in order to pad the release schedule.>Gecko Endings: (i.e. an ending of an adaptation that cleans up all the loose ends of the unfinished original) where the the anime studio has to "come up with an ending" because the manga/source material isn't finished.Because of the production realities of anime studios having to turn things out regularly, the thematic and tonal vision of the original work getting lost is almost always the rule and not the exception. Therefore, just slowboating through whatever is on the list of broadcasted episodes means you are going to have to endure many things that weren't even essential to the original manga's/author's intentions. It would behoove you to skip things and find the things you find most interesting in that case.
Anime is not like classic literature where nearly everything serves the overarching themes of the story and where very little written into the story is non-essential. It's a big expensive enterprise ($100k per episode) meant to sell merchandise to small children.
However, if you enjoy going through animes one episode at a time without skipping around, that's good. I'm not telling you to stop. I think people should be allowed to enjoy things in whatever way gives them the most amount of personal value. Which includes reading summaries and skipping to sections of interest if it turns out a show with 161 episodes has 45% of its episodes as filler to pad out its release schedule:
https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/ranma-%C2%BD(I love that show by the way).