>>1259780Well, what was their argument? If it's spiritual there's no real understanding it. If they truly believe in God and think Protestants get something theologically wrong it's hard to dispute that since it's based in personal faith.
Might also be incomprehensible insanity if you think it's from /pol/. Lots of /pol/tards hate lots of things for barely any reason.
But I don't want this to come off too rosy. When I said Protestantism shaped the West as we know it today... have you looked at the West recently? It's not all fun and games. Turbo capitalism, workers driving themselves into burn-out, excessive individualism destroying social cohesion, people getting blamed/blaming themselves for shortcomings that are out of their hands, etc. Putting hard work on a pedestal has done some amazing things, but it has lead to some nasty developments too. In an ironic twist we are almost back to "you have your lot it life within in the God-given order of things". The gap between rich and poor is widening and even in very protestant nations like the US it's increasingly hard to become a self-made man. How many hard-working twenty-somethings can support a family, let alone afford to buy a house these days?
And let's not forget - Protestantism is still Christianity, which fundamentally is a religion of suffering and self-deprecation. Personal happiness is not a measure, it's all directed at pleasing God. Saying "you will be rewarded in Heaven" is basically a coping mechanism to keep the masses from revolting or killing themselves because their lives suck. "Be pious" is in many ways a more innocent spin than "work hard", which adds a layer of exploitation. Religion can help people, but it's hard to deny that it is also a tool of the powerful to manipulate the masses. And Protestantism is no exception.