>>1314455>>1314459Thank you very much remember long story internet it's a nightmare without sense other social networks
>4chan 2003-2007Much better fun old-post long story
>4chan 2008-2012Almost same get better but it's very different
Fun fact: Youtube too many popular MLP but is 4chan before 2010 start story (love and trollence too many troll)
Other fun fact: Team Fortress 2 in 2007 (10 october)
>3 years before mlp in 2010other and other fact: 4chan it started 1 october in 2003
>4chan 2015 and 2016 (Last Golden Era)this was last before everything will change
fun fact: Christopher Poole gone since 2015 early
New Ceo 4chan: Hiroyuki Nishimura new era New Rules change start 2015
>4chan what happend in 2016 worst year>4chan 2017 and 2018 (Major change)it's completely changed and terribly happened
>4chan 2018 and 2019 (Last Normal Life)It's very important before pandemic in 2020
the latter had felt good normal calm
>this year 2020 much horriblestarted 3 January in 2020 start very Bad things
announced pandemic in March or April 2020
The World everyone is screwed
>2021 and 2022 (really sucks same year 2020)I put up with a lot surviving a pandemic and I vaccinated him later this final year 2021 and start 2022
The Internet soooo Bad News why toooo many Doxed discord and twitter completely toxic almost Tumplr
also Reddit more or less but later in 2023 bad mod change broken rules
aaaannddd the last in 2023
>4chan in 2023 (Today)4chan almost 20th anniversary to celebrate
I imagined I want to remember I haven't used it for years 4chan (i only saw it on youtube)
I remember how start my comic, meme and 4chan adventures like Classic
and don't forget oldfag (flash player closed last 2020)
and this is all I already told history.