Oh, cool. Here's a yt-dlp config file I'd suggest for this, based on my own and this:
https://github.com/rebane2001/sensible-yt-dlp-archive-scripts/blob/mane/scripts/windows/yt-dlp.confRun the following in a command prompt:
yt-dlp --config-location [path to config] [channel URL]
You might be able to summon one on the desktop by ctrl-shift-rightclicking and choosing it from the menu, otherwise Win+R, write cmd, then write cd desktop
Research -I --playlist-items when something breaks mid-job and you need to resume.
(download-archive does not work with skip-download)
Cut below the line, hopefully filters/markup break nothing:
# Don't download the audio/video
# write metadata
# Will write something about the channel and download the banner and avatar iirc
# Fetch all of the comments (takes a long time, remove if your videos have thousands of comments)
# output format, you will have to read the docs to write a good one
-o "videos/%(title)s [%(upload_date)s %(id)s].%(ext)s"
# subs also include live chat
# Remove if you're not interested in subtitles or chat
--sub-langs all
# I'm not sure whether these do you any good
--cache-dir "cache"
--cookies "cache/cookies.txt"
# Print stuff to look at while downloading
# --print formats_table
--print title
# The following apply only if downloading a video, but should be part of any config regardless
--download-archive "cache/download-archive.txt"
# attempt to continue interrupted downloads
# Do not download the entire playlist if the video is part of a playlist - also good for downloading videos, but not for what you're doing
# --lazy-playlist