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No.1347895 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is hiring a hooker pathetic? Am I just too horny? I'm 22, still virgin, and lately I've been feeling like I have to get a gf asap. Up until recently I just had 0 interest in women and was content just with my hobbies/studies/work etc. I feel like my interest in IRL women started around the same time I greatly limited how much porn I watch. I'm not disgusting, and women seem comfortable around me, even tried asking out a few, but I either got rejected, or determined the chick was not worth it after meeting her a couple of times. I haven't yet run out of acquaintances I could try asking out, but I've been feeling restless. I'm also not exactly sure what I want. I know I do want to start a family eventually, but that's a few years in the future. Ideally I'd want the girl to be the future wife and mother, but because that seems kinda unrealistic atm I thought I'd just try looking for a girlfriend I might dump later down the road if she doesn't want to have kids or seems like she'd be a bad mother. So a chick just to hang out with and satisfy my urges. Because fuck me, sometimes I feel like my brain is melting from those urges.
Or should I just keep it in my pants and endure till I have some better job, house, etc? In my current position getting a small house in the next couple of years seems pretty realistic, and I was thinking maybe once I got those, I'll start looking for a younger woman. Cuz right now... I'm usually the younger man, which feels kinda wrong. Whereas dating sites in my area are filled with 30+ bitches, many of them with kids and profile descriptions that make them seem really entitled, like the stereotypical woman with an awful attitude.

How many times were you rejected before you got girlfriend? Do you think losing V-card to a hooker is pathetic?