Also just because I made Mittens a female doesn't mean he's gonna stay that way primarily.
Of course he can be a femboy, but if I let him on the comic and he's a female? Fuck... that canon screwed us over then.
>>1386789Scratch that "seen" part, but I know I thought of it. That nick jr cartoon with that tiger was the reason why I even did that species. I wanted to make something cute but also like... interesting?
>>1386791No, Rammy... that's not what I'm saying. Maybe I should link a video to a chikn nuggit debut instead of saying egg in quotation marks. These are not avians. There's not really an avian flufferian afaik
>>1386792...In my imagination?
Uh no... I thought of it being a village like place now thanks for a few months passing by and me thinking the idea.
And no I wouldn't ever hate you Mitty. Hell I'd never hate on a character that I knew was gonna be cute and/or appealing.