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Kodomo No Jikan Abridged.

No.1429164 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is possibly my 6th time making one of these, but I figured that I'd post another thing about it.

So all the way back in 2013-2015, there was an Abridged series for Kodomo No Jikan, made by a guy named Tyler Junky. It was the funniest shit to my brain when I was 9-11, but I never thought to archive or download it. It had at least 10k views each episode, with episode 1 reaching over 60k, so it wasn't exactly hidden. The issue is, no archive websites actually have it, with the actual uploads all being deleted/privated some time in 2019. Of course, there are some links themselves. I have links for episodes 1-8, but I do recall episodes 9-12 being made, too. Episodes 1-3 being found through a lolcow forum, episodes 4-8 being found through looking at his Youtube channel when it was archived back in 2018. Only episode 1 has an actual archive link, but with no video. 4-8 have thumbnails, but 2-3 have no traces online at all outside of names.

I managed to get in contact with a voice actor for another one of his series, which while it did prove successful for more information about him, it got me nowhere to finding the series itself, it almost even got me in contact with Tyler himself, but it proved fruitless as he seemed to of gone M.I.A online in 2018.

if anyone has any clue on where I could contact Tyler, how I can retrieve the videos in any way, or anywhere I can ask, please say. And if you're reading this through an Archive and you have information, send a friend request to @hato_san3594 on Discord. Below in the next post is all of the links to the videos that I could find. Any help would be appreciated, even if it's a bump.