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No.1469846 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for a specific jumpscare video/set of videos. I remember seeing these back on the yellow smiley app years ago, and also seeing them on 4chan later, but I suspect they are much older. The videos all have this certain music playing in the background, and are in first person and follow a creature around without getting a good look at it until it jumpscares the camera. The main one I remember the jumpscare face clearly and it was screeching, it was this skin colored fleshy creature that the camera follows around these concrete buildings in the forest. The camera finally follows it around a corner then gets jumpscared. I remember seeing another similar video with the same music, but it was following an alien in the woods and the alien jumpscares the camera. This is kind of a stretch, but I haven't seen the videos or been able to find them myself in years.