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Webm converter for 4chan

No.147627 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone know of a simple, CONSISTENT program to convert regular video formats (mp4 etc) for 4chan? (i.e. limit their max size to the 3mb limit and strip the sound?)

I've been trying to use 'webm for retards' but it refuses to actually obey the settings I enter. i set a max filesize of 3mb, it spits out a 3.2mb file with the end cut off. i set a bitrate of 1500, it gives me 1700, pretty much does whatever the fuck it feels like. I can get it to function but only by entering what I actually need, letting it fail to deliver while i observe what bitrate it's come up with, then undercutting that incrementally until it shits out a usable but incredibly ugly file.

I don't want to have to engage in combat with a goddamn program just to get a 4chan-compatible webm every time. please tell me there's something better