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Game/Song I can't find anywhere

No.1505145 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I used to listen to a chiptune-esque song from a game called "Stay Another Season". It was on Soundcloud and pic related is how I remember the image - pixel art characters standing next to each other on a beach (the character sprites were much more basic and maybe even 8-bit, I was just lazy and used RPG sprites) I think there was also a link to the website but it was broken.

The song must have been removed because it's not in my likes anymore. It was uploaded I think in March 2014 if that matters. I've searched far and wide but can't find the song or any proof of the game existing. Not even ChatGPT knows. Maybe it wasn't even a game and the song was written for a fake game, who knows.

You're my last hope /wsr/. Does anyone have any info on this at all? I mainly just want to hear the song again because it was so catchy. I'm so desperate to hear it that I may have to just hum the tune into a mic and give it to someone on Upwork or Fiverr to recreate.

>you're just trying to make a fake lost media meme
I swear I'm not, because as I said, it may not even be a real game. Maybe just a song, or it could be an insanely niche Game Maker game or something.