>>196758/a/ isn't terrible for non-airing shows. But anything over five years old or so or just something not considered essential won't get a lot of discussion unless it catches hold.
The past year or so Card Captor Sakura, Kare Kano, Urusei Yatsura and a few older titles got REALLY popular for like two/three weeks, so it just depends on if lightning strikes or not. Depending on how old of a show you're watching it might get a fairly healthy thread or two. If it has robots, or even space ships /m/ is more constant but you'll get 1/10th the replies per hour, and you probably won't break 200 posts since /m/ is a fraction of /a/'s size and most of those people are already in dedicated Toku/Symphogear/KR generals, or a random gundamfag who doesn't really care for other shows.
If you're REALLY trying to push /a/ to talk about a show your best bet would be to spam screencaps from the show of really interesting frames, or bring it up in threads as an example, because even though /a/'s most active users have probably already seen it , the other 70% of /a/ users who mainly lurk and shitpost about Re:zero have only seen around 50 shows and will end up watching it en mass, which will cause discussion for two or three weeks before it dies again.