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HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition

No.199940 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /wsr/
I have a problem with my HD PVR
If I try to record footage with OBS, my HD PVR crashes everytime I start a game on my PC.
Hauppauge Capture tells me, after I started a game from my PC, that the connection to my HVR was lost.

I already tried to look at the internet, but didn´t really found my kind of problem.

The funny thing is, if I start my PC I have no problems with recording, but if I start up any game I have on my PC, my screen flashes blue for a short period of time. After that the PVR crashes.

I did install the newest drivers already and unplugged and restarted everything already.

Can´t find the source causing the problem.