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Why shouldn't a Wi-Fi extender be used with a power strip?

No.232367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, so a little backstory:

Been using a Wi-Fi extender for a little while, at the same time while having issues with my internet router. We got the router replaced and things are much better...except the wi-fi extender (which I intend to use ethernet cables with for a desktop computer and consoles etc.) kept disconnecting for a few seconds every few minutes/hours. This would be disastrous for certain games like Demon's Souls (PS3, but the issue is if I am playing multiplayer this will be a nightmare).

However, I had a power strip with surge protection. So I plugged the extender into the power strip and so far, no disconnections what so ever. I called my father to tell him I fixed the issue, but he claimed that "You are not supposed to do that" and went on about how the router will connect to the wi-fi extender via the house's power line...which seemed odd to me when he first said it. But the thing is the connection seemed just fine to me.

The thing is, I would rather he just got an ethernet mains into a ethernet splitter so I could plug them into my consoles and all that rather than using an extender, but the way my house is built that will be a massive hassle.

Can someone tell me if using the Wi-Fi extender on a power strip is actually that big of an issue? And do Wi-Fi extenders actually use the powerlines in the house to connect to the router?

And what may be a bigger problem, I have had issues with those particular power sockets before, they often turn off briefly if another switch in the house is turned off or on. I told my father about this but he pretty much claimed it was out of the question, for some reason.