Quoted By:
That show reeks of your typical "liberal" idiocy of "either you have to be an ultra-conservative prude who keeps children laughably sexually oblivious because you think sexuality is dirty, or you have your culture revel in all kinds of perversions and pornography which also do jack shit to challenge the status quo of seeing sexuality as something dirty."
The anime's title claims that it plays in a world where dirty jokes don't exist. Clearly they do exist, because people register them, except for ignorant children (just like in our current real-life culture, except the age of ignorance is raised).
A world where dirty jokes actually don't exist would be a world where people don't associate sexuality with perversion in first place. The whole concept of a dirty joke is based on the premise that sexuality is dirty, and hence a joke referencing sexuality is a dirty joke. This is the very same backwards, conservative mindset against sexuality, with the sole difference that now it's not banned but paradoxically celebrated despite still being exercised in perverted (dirty) ways.
Ask yourself why real-life women and especially young women and girls tend to be less inclined to partake in sexual discussions and dirty jokes. It's because in our current conception of dirty sexuality, the dirtiness serves as a way of demeaning the female side in sexuality. Either a formerly "pure" woman is dirtied, or an already dirty slut's dirtiness is enjoyed. In either case the female side's dignity is sold off for the male side's pleasure.
Which is why it's also bullshit that the girls in this show would naturally/instinctively find the pictures they're shown to be attractive.