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No.292353 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /adv/, I just wanted some advice on something that has gotten me down recently. So I've known this girl for almost a year and she's been my best friend. It wasn't until last week that I messed up and realized I actually loved her. Idk what to do. I know that if I remained her friend I would get too hurt by her getting bfs and talking to other guys (she's currently in a relationship). More importantly though I know that if I said anything that it would probably jeopardize our friendship which had been the best I've ever experienced . All that said I don't know if she has any feelings towards me but she probably doesn't. Rn I've been an asshole and have started to ghost her because idk what to do. Should I just let things be and walk away. Should i go through the pain of being her friend and dealing with never being with her? I just want some help. Thanks